Nominated in 2022 as Malaysia's Podcast of the Year by SYOK, this is the official podcast counterpart of Jon's best-selling book, "From Grit To Great"

Jon loves talking about career management and how you can take it to the next level. Together with his entrepreneur brother Jed, he shares practical tips on how to chase one's career ambitions and dreams.

Watch Jonathan’s shows and interviews featuring his business journey after The Apprentice Asia. Looking for more live sample talks of Jonathan? Click below for video playlists.

Jonathan talks about Career Management Prospects for 2024 with CNN

Motivational speaker, author and entrepreneur Jonathan Yabut sees the public to be more excited than fearful entering 2024, as they begin to adapt to new routines. Jonathan also talks about the role of AI in changing the career landscape.

Do You Acknowledge That Your Definition of Work-Life Balance is Different Vs. Others?

In this private talk for the leaders of Rocket Station, a leading outsourcing company, Jonathan drills down how the Gen X interprets work-life balance vs. Gen Z and Gen Y. The goal is to establish that neither definitions are superior to each other. What works for you may not necessarily work for your employee. This is where diversity is applied in the workplace.

The 5-minute / 1-Year Rule for Stress

Whenever you feel stressed about someone or something, ask yourself: will this matter a year from now? Likely, no. And so if it's something that will be forgotten, consider investing less emotions in it. Focus your energy on other things that will keep you positive.

Jonathan shares insights on how to manage Gen Z and Millennial Workers

A new report from online job platform Jobstreet shows Gen-Zs are more discerning when it comes to choosing their employers. April Lee Tan talks to Jonathan Yabut of JY Consultancy & Ventures on the impact of Gen Zs in the workplace.

The Power of Growth Mindset

In this private talk for Business Blueprint delegates from Australia and New Zealand, Jon shares his secret winning recipe to becoming Asia's Apprentice: grit. But how does one build grit? He graduates the discussion further to talk about growth mindset.

Leadership & Career Expert Jonathan Yabut on career management, professional growth

Business Roadshow: Stanley Palisada talks to book author and expert Jonathan Yabut regarding career management, leadership, and digital marketing.

Jonathan speaks at the 2020 Emirates Airlines Literature Festival

Held annually in Dubai, the Emirates Litfest is one of the most prestigious gatherings of authors around the world. In this interview, Jonathan talks about his inspirations behind his first best-selling book, β€œFrom Grit To Great”.

Philippines’ Best Work Spaces with Jonathan Yabut

In partnership with Rappler, Jonathan takes a tour of the Philippines’ first cashless office, the headquarters of Globe Telecom. We explore the benefits of using technology in enabling your employees to work smart, and not just hard.

The Entrepreneurship Journey of Jonathan Yabut with CNN

Jonathan shares his experiences as a millennial entrepreneur in this episode of CNN Philippines’, The Boardroom. As the managing director of JY Consultancy and Ventures, he also talks about the highs and lows of pursuing the millennial market in the consultation business.

Career Tips

Watch Jonathan’s bite-sized career tip videos for your everyday success!

5 Tips To Overcome Your Shyness

Can exposure effect work for people who have trouble expressing themselves to an audience? How can repetition normalize public speaking? Watch the entire webinar here: [ ]

How Often Do You Give Feedback To Your Employees?

The culture of Feedback Giving always makes or breaks the experience of the employee. It is a reliable predictor of their happiness and productivity at work. Great companies strongly advocate that their people give frequent and consistent feedback for the betterment of their talents. How often does your manager give you feedback? Do you feel psychologically safe that you can your boss for a 30-min discussion on how you're feeling about your project? Check and see if you can tick off the 3 important time frames of feedback: Scheduled, Real-Time, and By Demand.

How To Project Your Best Face During Virtual Meetings

As body language becomes limited during virtual sessions, your face becomes your best asset. Make sure you project the right movement of your eyes, eyebrows, and when visible, your hands, to engage your audience. Here are some best practices and tips! Watch the entire webinar here: [ ]

How To Communicate Decisively At Work

Successful people aren't just smart or resourceful---they are known to be decisive too. Your ability to decide fast and correctly will oftentimes be dependent on your teammates and colleagues. How do you enable them to make fast and sound decisions? Your choice of words when communicating to them, MATTER

A Biological Explanation On Why Gen Z and Gen Y Are "Self-Entitled" and "Selfish"

Perspective matters. While we often assume that the younger generations are "lazier" and more biased toward using "shortcuts", could there be another reason driving this? And what can we do as leaders to address this?